Once you've met Robert Redford there, you can definitely say
you've done Sundance. :-)
Sundance Robert Redford stores are a part of the community
founded by the actor in the late 1960s.
I would like to go some day. I like films and would like to
attend a festival of that caliber. Unfortunately, my visit to the much
acclaimed Sundance has not yet come to pass but it's in the works.
I can bet that many people who have been once before will be
visiting them again and again a few more times during their lifetime. If you
can go, why not go?
American Actor and Director Robert Redford- Image via Wikipedia
You get to experience something new every time. See a new
documentary, meet a new filmmaker. If it's doing what it's supposed to, it
should never be stagnant.
Sundance Robert Redford stores capture some of the best
moments of the festival. The store sells special items that people see while
visiting Sundance. People who attended other film festivals in 2012 will enjoy
looking at these memorabilia as well. All of the jewelry in the Sundance
catalog is made by American craftspeople from the Sundance community.
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